Dr. Juliane Scheil
Scientific staff

Here you will find the Key publications from 2010 onwards that were produced at IfADo. For all other publications of our scientific staff, please look at the links to other databases such as Pubmed.
No go trials in task switching: effects on the task set and task space level. Psychol Res 86: 1097–1107 (2022)
Further investigating effects of task repetition proportion on n - 2 repetition costs: Task shielding as a potential modulating factor? Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) 73: 1629-1639 (2020)
Effects of global and local task repetition proportion on n - 2 repetition costs. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) 72: 579-588 (2019)
Further evidence for functional differences between guessing versus choosing an upcoming task. Acta Psychol 183: 1-9 (2018)
Motor command inhibition and the representation of response mode during motor imagery. Acta Psychol 186: 54–62 (2018)
Integration of advance information about a forthcoming task switch – evidence from eye blink rates. Front Psychol 8: article 290 (2017) (9 pp)