
In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.

Group photo on stage (left to right: Bernd Schwabing, Jens Niemann, Angela Märtin, Rainer Holl)


Serial killers against cancer cells - IfADo at the DORTBUNT Science Slam

More than a hundred spectators gathered in front of the stage at Reinoldikirche on May 5 for the Dortmund "Masterplan Wissenschaft" science slam. Jens Niemann, PhD student at IfADo, and Prof. Dr. Bernd Schabbing from the ISM (International School of …
Melanie Karthaus and Felix Dreger at HFES-Conference


FELICE Update: IfADo researchers present results at HFES Conference

At the annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) conference in Lübeck, IfADo researchers Melanie Karthaus and Felix Dreger presented the results of their work on the FELICE project.
Microscope image of epithel cells of the kidney


New therapeutic approach for the treatment of cholemic nephropathy discovered

Cholaemic nephropathy is a serious kidney disease that occurs as a result of liver disease. There are no treatment options for the disease, as the mechanisms by which cholemic nephropathy is caused were previously unknown.
Yannick Metzler in front of a poster showing his research


Yannick Metzler honored as Best Young Scientist

IfADo scientist Yannick Metzler has received this year's Best Young Scientist Award from the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA). At the 70th GfA Spring Congress in Stuttgart, he gave a presentation entitled "Risk indicators for assessing mental stress …
Virus cells on green background


Be prepared: Leibniz Lab to fight pandemics

The new Leibniz Lab "Pandemic Preparedness: One Health, One Future" combines excellent interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research from 41 Leibniz Institutes. For the first time in Germany, pathogen-oriented sciences (virology, bacteriology, mycology and …
Hamburger in front of a flaming background


SKLM publishes position paper: Shaping the future of food and nutrition research in Germany

In recent years, the global social challenges in the area of food and nutrition have become increasingly visible: securing the world's food supply and combating hunger, the prevention and treatment of diet-related diseases such as obesity and the …
Excellent, IfADo Background


Awarded: Innovation Prize 2024

The German Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine has awarded the 2024 Innovation Prize to the authors of the specialist article "Occupational bladder carcinoma - The BK 1301 matrix as an algorithm and decision aid for a correlation assessment" …
Symbol picture sound waves reach an ear


Hearing in virtual spaces - How real does virtual reality sound?

With the increasingly frequent use of virtual reality (VR) in scientific experiments, it has become even more important to better understand the specifics of hearing in virtual environments. Researchers at IfADo and Ruhr-Universität Bochum have now taken on …
Marie Beaupain at the Science Slam


Flashes of inspiration with Marie Beaupain - IfADo researcher at the DGN Science Slam

Neurology PhD student Marie Beaupain wowed the audience at the German Neurological Society's "Geistesblitze" science slam at the Volksbühne Berlin. In her presentation "Dopamine and electric shocks - it's getting stimulating for the brain", she spoke about …