Thorsten Plewan-Blombach appointed professor
Thorsten Plewan-Blombach was appointed professor of psychology in the department of „Business & Media“ at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences at the end of July. Thorsten Plewan-Blombach has been working as a PostDoc in the IfADo research department „ergonomics“ for eight years. He is investigating basic concepts of perception and attention as well as human-machine interaction with a focus on digital assistance systems in workplaces.
Thorsten Plewan-Blombach studied psychology in Bielefeld and Düsseldorf. In 2013, he finished his PhD at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine at the Forschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with the Neurology department of the University Hospital Cologne. As part of his doctoral thesis, he studied optical illusions and how they are processed in the brain. He then continued to analyze the basic mechanisms of fundamental processes of visual perception and attentional control in three-dimensional space. Additionally, he is part of the interdisciplinary research cluster “Centre of Excellence Logistics and IT” as head of the workstream cognitive ergonomics.
Since 2015, he has been teaching courses at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf in addition to his research activities at IfADo. From October 2020, he will work full-time for the private university as professor for psychology. A close cooperation as well as further research projects with IfADo are intended.