Successfully defended: New PhD at IfADo

Melinda Sabo

Melinda Sabo successfully defended her PhD-Thesis at Ruhr-Universität Bochum on January 25. The cognitive scientist has been working as a research assistant at IfADo in the Department of Ergonomics since 2020. In the Information Processing research group led by her supervisor Daniel Schneider, she is working on attentional selection and the exchange between working and long-term memory.

This is also the subject of her doctoral thesis "In search of relevant memories: neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the selection and prioritization of memory representations". Melinda Sabo will remain at IfADo, now as a postdoc.

Scientific contact:
Dr. Melinda Sabo
Scientific staff
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
Press contact:
Anne Gregory
Press officer
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
