Diversity Day 2024

As a member of the "Charta der Vielfalt" (Diversity Charter), it is important at IfADo to encourage a spirit of cooperation characterized by mutual respect and appreciation. Research at IfADo is an international team effort, which was celebrated on Diversity Day. The “Meet and Eat” provided a space for exchange and living diversity in order to raise awareness of diversity.

The more than 200 IfADo employees at IfADo come from 31 different nations. Diversity Day (28.05.2024) was used for a “Meet and Eat”. Under the motto “Let's get together to meet and eat to celebrate Diversity Day”, everyone brought a dish from their home country. In addition, the two diversity officers Rosemarie Marchan and Erhan Genç presented ideas for promoting diversity at the institute.

Press contact:
Verena Kemmler
Press and Public Relations
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
