Blood donors wanted: 20 Euro compensation
Freshly donated blood is regularly needed for IfADo research projects in the field of immunology. The desired cells are isolated from about 300 ml of whole blood and used for scientific purposes. The time required for a blood donation is low and usually takes about 30 minutes. An compensation of 20 euros is paid for the blood donation.

Who can donate blood?
These are the requirements for donating blood:
- Age: 18 – 70 years
- at least 50 kg body weight
- the last blood donation must be at least 3 months ago
- you should feel healthy
- the last vaccination, as well as the intake of blood-thinning medication must be at least one week ago
- you must not be taking any immunosuppressive medication
When and where does the blood donation take place?
Donation appointments are made approximately 2 weeks in advance and are usually on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8 to 9 am at the Institute for Sports and Sports Science at the TU Dortmund (Otto-Hahn-Str. 3, Dortmund).
The appointments can also be arranged to take place at IfADo (Ardeystraße 67, Dortmund).
How can I get further information?
For information on blood donation and to make an appointment, please contact Ms. Doris Teutsch, Phone 0231 1084 222 or by email at