Best bio-trainees in Germany and NRW are from Dortmund

Former trainees Lina Oberste-Lehn and Celine Da Cruz Lopes Guita have received several awards for their outstanding achievements. Lina Oberste-Lehn was named the best biology laboratory assistant in Germany by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). She and her colleague Celine Da Cruz Lopes Guita are also the best biology laboratory assistants of their year in North Rhine-Westphalia and were honored for this by the IHK NRW. Celine Da Cruz Lopes Guita also received the Max Planck Society's Trainee Award 2023.

Lina Oberste-Lehn and Celine da Cruz Lopes Guita during the state best honors ceremony by the IHK NRW on 02.11.2023

The Biotechnology Training Network was founded in 2002. Under the leadership of the MPI Dortmund and in cooperation with the Leibniz Research Center for Working Environment and Human Factors (IfADo) and the Leibniz Research Center for Analytical Sciences (ISAS), the network has developed extremely successfully. This is reflected on the one hand in very good final grades, nationwide prizes and awards for the trainees and on the other hand in excellent job prospects with the network partners as well as universities, clinics and biotech companies.

Press contact:
Anne Gregory
Press officer
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
