More than 220 employees work at IfADo on various aspects of working environment and human factors – from the workplace to human behaviour to chemicals. Fundamental to IfADo is its connection to the following three organisations:
In 1969, the parent organisation of the institute was founded: the Forschungsgesellschaft für Arbeitsphysiologie und Arbeitsschutz e.V. Dortmund. Its aim was and is to promote multidisciplinary research with the overarching goal to provide benefit and welfare to the working individual and society.
As an affiliated institute, IfADo works closely with Technical University of Dortmund and fulfils tasks that the university cannot carry out itself. Affiliated institutes are legally and economically independent extramural institutions which cooperate closely with the university on the basis of a cooperation agreement. As an affiliated institute , IfADo participates in the teaching and training of young academics with various events. In addition to the scientific ties to TU Dortmund, some IfADo scientists have teaching assignments at other neighbouring universities.
The IfADo is a member of the Leibniz Association. Due to the institutes’ importance for the country as a whole, Leibniz institutions are funded jointly by the federal and state government. Every seven years the IfADo is subject to an independent evaluation procedure which is unparalleled in its transparency.