Detail from institute photo


Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific consulting is provided by the Scientific Advisory Board that covers all relevant disciplines of research at IfADo. The committee meets annually in IfADo and provides comments to the Board of Trustees. Additional, every seven years the committed, competent and widely diversified Advisory Board conducts a scientific controlling (internal audit) and in this way provides an external quality check.


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees supervises all scientific, programmatic and economic matters of the sponsoring association of the institute (Registered Society ‘Forschungsgesellschaft für Arbeitsphysiologie und Arbeitsschutz e.V., Dortmund’, Society for Occupational Physiology and Occupational Safety). It has the task to advise the executive Board of Directors and to give impulses for the strategy of IfADo. The members of the Board of Trustees are partly appointed and partly selected scientists and representatives of the state and federal government as well as the trade unions and employers’ associations.

Board of Trustees Chairmen

  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer (Chairman)
    President of the Technical University Dortmund
  • Prof. Dr. Katja Ickstadt (Deputy Chairman)
    Technical University Dortmund – Department of Statistics, Mathematical Statistics and Biometric Applications

Appointed members of the Board of Trustees entitled to vote

  • Dr. Christoph Serries
    for Federal Republic of Germany
    represented by Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Unit IIIb2 – Fundamental issues of occupational safety and health, Berlin
  • Dr. Michael Wappelhorst, Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW), Department 313 - Joint Federal/ State Funding, Düsseldorf
  • Prof. Dr. Sascha Stowasser (Director)
    for Federal Association of German Employers‘ Associations (BDA) represented by Institute for Applied Labour Science e.V., Düsseldorf (ifaa)
  • Uwe Meyeringh
    for United Services Trade Union (ver.di ) Federal administration, Berlin
  • Charlotte Reineke
    for Industry Trade Union Mining, Chemistry, Energy (IGBCE), Hannover
  • Dr. Jörg Weingarten
    for German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Department of Industrial and Structural Policy, Digitalisation, NRW, Düsseldorf

Elected members of the Board of Trustees entitled to vote


In 1969, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Länder Government), Max Planck Society, German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA), University of Dortmund, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dortmund (IHK), City of Dortmund and the United Services Trade Union (ver.di, federal administration) founded the sponsoring association of IfADo: the Forschungsgesellschaft für Arbeitsphysiologie und Arbeitsschutz e.V. Dortmund

Currently, the General Meeting comprises representatives of 12 stakeholders.

Members of the Registered Association:

Ethics commission

The ethics commission observes the rules and ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects based on the revised World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki. The commission and its members act autonomously and are not bound by any directive. The commission supports scientists by offering advice and by evaluating ethical and legal aspects of their experimental designs concerning humans.


  • Michael Falkenstein, Prof. em. Dr. med. (Head of ethics commission), Aging
  • Barbara Griefahn, Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. med. (Deputy head of ethics commission), Chronobiology
  • Thomas Behrens, Prof. Dr. med., Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)
  • Gerlinde Schlicker, Dr. jur., Head of administration, TU Dortmund, Dezernat 1
  • Michael C. Truß, Prof. Dr. med., Chairman of Department of Urology at Klinikum Dortmund

The appointed ombudsperson at IfADo is Dr. Christoph van Thriel. PD Dr. Silvia Capellino is the appointed deputy ombudsperson. The ombudsperson’s mandate is to advise and assist scientists and scholars in questions of good scientific practice and its impairment through scientific dishonesty.

The Leibniz Association has established standards of good scientific practice, definitions of misconduct and the role and authority of the association’s central Ombuds Committee in its Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice.