Publikationen Toxikologie
Acetaldehyde as a food flavoring substance: aspects of risk assessment. Mol Nutr Food Res 67: 2200661 (2023) (29 pp)
Cognitive functions, neurotransmitter alterations, and hippocampal microstructural changes in mice caused by feeding on western diet. Cells 12 (18): 2331 (2023) (20 pp)
PFASs-restriction proposal commentary on ECHA's Annex XV restriction report, proposal for a restriction, March 2023. (Guest editorial). Arch Toxicol 97: 3305-3312 (2023)
Comparative metabolism of aflatoxin B1 in mouse, rat and human primary hepatocytes using HPLC-MS/MS. Arch Toxicol 97: 3179-3196 (2023)
Guidance for statistical design and analysis of toxicological dose-response experiments, based on a comprehensive literature review. Arch Toxicol 97: 2741-2761 (2023)
Transcriptome-based prediction of drugs, inhibiting cardiomyogenesis in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell Death Discov 9 (1): 321 (2023) (12 pp)
Risk assessment of parabens in a transcriptomics-based in vitro test. Chem Biol Interact 384: 110699 (2023)
Basic concepts of mixture toxicity and relevance for risk evaluation and regulation. Arch Toxicol 97: 3005-3017 (2023)
Vinpocetine protects against chloroquine-induced cardiotoxicity by mitigating oxidative stress. Arch Toxicol 97: 2763–2770 (2023)
Bladder cancer course, four genetic high-risk variants, and histopathological findings. EXCLI J 22: 867-879 (2023)
Gadolinium contrast agents: dermal deposits and potential effects on epidermal small nerve fibers. J Neurol 270: 3981-3991 (2023)
An integrative experimental and computational twin modeling approach to understand clonal dynamics in the normal liver. J Hepatol 79: 273-276 (2023)
Long-term hypercaloric diet exacerbates metabolic liver disease in PNPLA3 I148M animals. Liver Int 43: 1699-1713 (2023)
What can we learn from epidemiological studies on chronic boron exposure? Crit Rev Toxicol 53: 168-180 (2023)