Prof. Dr. Edmund Wascher
Leitung Forschungsbereich
- seit 2004Professor für Ergonomie (TU Dortmund; freigestellt zur Forschungstätigkeit an das IfADo)
- 2000-2004Nachwuchsgruppenleiter (Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Dept. Psychologie, München)
- 1997-2000wissenschaftlicher Assistent (Universität Tübingen, klinische Psychologie)
- 1992-1997PostDoc (Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Klinik für Neurologie)
- 1992Promotion (Universität Graz, Universitätsnervenklinik München)
- 19891989 Diplom (Universität Graz)
- Grundlagen menschlicher Informationsverarbeitung
- Wahrnehmungs-Handlungs-Integration
- Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit
- Neurophysiologie kognitiver Prozesse
- Informationsverarbeitung im Alter
- Informationsverarbeitung in Mensch-Maschine-Systemen
- Adaptive Interfaces
Hier finden Sie die Schlüsselpublikationen ab 2010, die am IfADo entstanden sind. Für alle anderen Veröffentlichungen unserer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter beachten Sie bitte die Links zu anderen Datenbanken wie Pubmed.
Gajewski PD, Bröde P, Claus M, Golka K, Hengstler JG, Watzl C, Wascher E, Getzmann S:
The association between hair cortisol and burnout is moderated by age, psychosocial, and immunological markers. Brain Behav Immun Health 43: 100909 (2025) (14 pp)
Alyan E, Arnau S, Getzmann S, Reiser JE, Karthaus M, Wascher E:
Age-related differences in eye blink-related neural activity and functional connectivity during driving. Heliyon 11: e41164 (2025)
Getzmann S, Golka K, Bröde P, Reinders J, Kadhum T, Hengstler JG, Wascher E, Gajewski PD:
Chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection modulates hearing ability across the adult life span. Life 14 (2): 194 (2024) (10 pp)
Stodt B, Neudek D, Getzmann S, Wascher E, Martin R:
Comparing auditory distance perception in real and virtual environments and the role of the loudness cue: A study based on event-related potentials. Hear Res 444: 108968 (2024) (15 pp)
Ülkü S, Getzmann S, Wascher E, Schneider D:
Be prepared for interruptions: EEG correlates of anticipation when dealing with task interruptions and the role of aging. Sci Rep 14 (1): 5679 (2024) (16 pp)
Larra MF, Gajewski PD, Getzmann S, Wascher E, Metzler Y:
Stress from early life to adulthood: Is there a protective role of cognitive control? Brain Cogn 78: 106165 (2024) (9 pp)
von Haugwitz L, Wascher E, Larra MF:
Triggered by your heart: Effects of cardioafferent traffic and stress on automatic responses in a Simon task. Psychophysiology 61 (8): e14572 (2024) (21 pp)
Custodio RJP, Hengstler JG, Cheong JH, Kim HJ, Wascher E, Getzmann S:
Adult ADHD: it is old and new at the same time - what is it? Rev Neurosci 35: 225–241 (2024)
Mundorf A, Getzmann S, Gajewski PD, Larra MF, Wascher E, Genç E, Ocklenburg S:
Phenotyping in clinical laterality research: a comparison of commonly used methods to determine mixed-handedness and ambidexterity. Laterality 29:331–349 (2024)
Hier finden Sie die Publikationen ab 2010, die am IfADo entstanden sind. Für alle anderen Veröffentlichungen unserer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter beachten Sie bitte die Links zu anderen Datenbanken wie Pubmed.
Begau A, Klatt LI, Wascher E, Schneider D, Getzmann S:
Do congruent lip movements facilitate speech processing in a dynamic audiovisual multi-talker scenario? An ERP study with older and younger adults. Behav Brain Res 412: 113436 (2021) (16 pp)
Guth S, Hüser S, Roth A, Degen G, Diel P, Edlund K, Eisenbrand G, Engel KH, Epe B, Grune T, Heinz V, Henle T, Humpf HU, Jäger H, Joost HG, Kulling SE, Lampen A, Mally A, Marchan R, Marko D, Mühle E, Nitsche MA, Röhrdanz E, Stadler R, van Thriel C, Vieths S, Vogel RF, Wascher E, Watzl C, Nöthlings U, Hengstler JG:
Contribution to the ongoing discussion on fluoride toxicity. Arch Toxicol 95: 2571-2587 (2021)
Sharifian F, Schneider D, Arnau S, Wascher E:
Decoding of cognitive processes involved in the continuous performance task. Int J Psychophysiol 167: 57-68 (2021)
Getzmann S, Reiser JE, Karthaus M, Rudinger G, Wascher E:
Measuring correlates of mental workload during simulated driving using cEEGrid electrodes: a test–retest reliability analysis. Front Neuroergon 2: 729197 (2021) (16 pp)
Reiser JE, Wascher E, Rinkenauer G, Arnau S:
Cognitive motor interference in the wild: Assessing the effects of movement complexity on task switching using mobile EEG. Eur J Neurosci 54: 8175-8195 (2021)
Getzmann S, Klatt LI, Schneider D, Begau A, Wascher E:
EEG correlates of spatial shifts of attention in a dynamic multi-talker speech perception scenario in younger and older adults. Hear Res 398: 108077 (2020)
Gajewski PD, Thönes S, Falkenstein M, Wascher E, Getzmann S:
Multidomain cognitive training transfers to attentional and executive functions in healthy older adults. Front Hum Neurosci 14: 586963 (2020) (17 pp)
Dreger FA, Reiser JE, Rinkenauer G, Wascher E, Brandenburg S, Chuang L, Baumann M (guest eds):
Proceedings of the 2nd German Human Factors Summer School. MMI-Interaktiv Nr. 17, Okt. 2020
Gajewski PD, Falkenstein M, Thönes S, Wascher E:
Stroop task performance across the lifespan: High cognitive reserve in older age is associated with enhanced proactive and reactive interference control. NeuroImage 207: 116430 (2020) (14 pp)
Karthaus M, Wascher E, Falkenstein M, Getzmann S:
The ability of young, middle-aged and older drivers to inhibit visual and auditory distraction in a driving simulator task. Transport Res F 68: 272-284 (2020)
Larra MF, Finke JB, Wascher E, Schächinger H:
Disentangling sensorimotor and cognitive cardioafferent effects: A cardiac-cycle-time study on spatial stimulus-response compatibility. Sci Rep 10: 4059 (2020)
Zickerick B, Thönes S, Kobald SO, Wascher E, Schneider D, Küper K:
Differential effects of interruptions and distractions on working memory processes in an ERP study. Front Hum Neurosci 14: 84 (2020) (13 pp)
Bierbrauer A, Kunz L, Gomes CA, Luhmann M, Deuker L, Getzmann S, Wascher E, Gajewski PD, Hengstler JG, Fernandez-Alvarez M, Atienza M, Cammisuli DM, Bonatti F, Pruneti C, Percesepe A, Bellaali Y, Hanseeuw B, Strange BA, Cantero JL, Axmacher N:
Unmasking selective path integration deficits in Alzheimer’s disease risk carriers. Sci Adv 6(35): eaba1394 (2020)
Rösner M, Arnau S, Skiba I, Wascher E, Schneider D:
The spatial orienting of the focus of attention in working memory makes use of inhibition: Evidence by hemispheric asymmetries in posterior alpha oscillations. Neuropsychologia 142: 107442 (2020)