Front view of the institute

The core topics of our research work are

  • The working person in technical environments
  • The challenge of work and ageing
  • External and internal factors for well-being and performance
  • Safe handling of chemicals

The research areas at IfADo are:


Microscope image of epithel cells of the kidney


New therapeutic approach for the treatment of cholemic nephropathy discovered

Cholaemic nephropathy is a serious kidney disease that occurs as a result of liver disease. There are no treatment options for the disease, as the mechanisms by which cholemic nephropathy is caused were previously unknown.
Yannick Metzler in front of a poster showing his research


Yannick Metzler honored as Best Young Scientist

IfADo scientist Yannick Metzler has received this year's Best Young Scientist Award from the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA). At the 70th GfA Spring Congress in Stuttgart, he gave a presentation entitled "Risk indicators for assessing mental stress …


Currently there are no events.

IfADo is funded jointly by: