Bladder Cancer Questionnaire
Urinary bladder cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in males and females world wide. About 10 % of bladder cancer cases in males and about 5% in females are supposed to be caused by occupational exposure. Nevertheless, there is a large discrepancy between the number of occupational bladder cancer cases expected and the number of identified occupation bladder cancer cases all over the world. A classical cause of bladder cancer is exposure to carcinogenic aromatic amines, especially benzidine and ß-naphthylamine (syn. 2-naphthylamine). Such exposures were related to work places in the chemical industry, implying production and processing of classical aromatic amines and in the rubber industry. Occupational bladder cancer has also been observed in dyers, in painters and hair dressers. Furthermore some occupations with much lower exposures to carcinogenic aromatic amines, like coke oven workers or workers in the rubber industry after the ban on ß-naphthylamine are at risk even. To overcome this problem, the presented bladder cancer questionnaire was designed and translated into more than 35 often spoken languages of the world.
The translators of the questionnaire are all coauthors of the paper
Golka K., Abreu-Villaca Y., Anbari Attar R., Angeli-Greaves M., Aslam M. , Basaran, N. Belik R., Butryee C., Dalpiaz O., Dzhusupov K., Ecke T. H., Galambos H., Gerilovica H., Gerullis H., González P. C., Goossens M. E., Gorgishvili-Hermes L., Heyns C. F., Hodzic J., Ikoma F., Jichlinski P., Kang B.-H., Kiesswetter E., Krishnamurthi K., Lehmann M.-L., Martinova I., Mittal R. D., Ravichandran B., Romics I., Roy B., Rungkat-Zakaria F., Rydzynski K., Scutaru C., Shen J. H., Soufi M., Toguzbaeva K., Vu Duc T., Widera A., Wishahi M., Hengstler J. G. Bladder Cancer Documentation of Causes: multilingual questionnaire „Bladder Cancer Doc“. Front. Biosci. (Elite Ed) 4:2709-2722 (2012)
The number of questions may differ to some extent from questionnaire to questionnaire. For example, the colleagues were allowed to add questions not included in the original version of the questionnaire but of interest in their country. Furthermore, in a tight frame the colleagues were also allowed to omit some questions. For example, if there was no coal mining industry in the country a question regarding this exposure would possibly impede the cooperation of the patients and was therefore omitted.