Study subjects wanted

We are looking for participants for our EEG experiment “MUSE” between the age of 18 and 35.
EEG-Study "RAM"
For our EEG study “RAM” we are looking for right-handed participants between the age of 18 and 35.
EEG-Study "VMUncertainty"
For our study we are looking for participants between the age of 18 and 30.
MRI study "Chronotype"
For the study "Chronotype," IfADo is looking for participants. Who are healthy, right-handed, non-smokers and aged between 18 and 40 years. The study investigates how the chronotype is reflected in brain activity and its potential relation to mental illnesses. This research is conducted using MRI and cognitive tasks.
Smokers & Non-Smokers
A study by the Leibniz Institute of Occupational Research on how nicotine affects the brain.
Blood donors wanted: 20 Euro compensation
Freshly donated blood is regularly needed for IfADo research projects in the field of immunology. A compensation of 20 euros is paid for the blood donation.