Publications Toxicology
Mikrobielle Kulturen für Lebensmittel. Endfassung vom 29.03.2010 (23 S.). Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern, 2010
Microbial food cultures. Engl. Version 15.11.2010 (22 S.). Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern, 2010
Risk assessment of phytochemicals in food: novel approaches. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2010 (Forschungsberichte DFG)
Comparing the growth kinetics of cell populations in two and three dimensions. Phys Rev E 79: 051907 (2009
Isolation of fibroblasts for coating of meshes for reconstructive surgery: differences between mesh types. Regen Med 4: 197-204 (2009)