Head of department
Prof. Dr. Jan G. Hengstler
Monika Turajski
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund

Third Party Funding

Budget year/Third-party funds/Funding Organisation and name of the project

2024-2027: 445,035.00 €, DFG/ Gpcpd1

2024-2027: 679,138.69 €, BMBF/ LiSyM-Krebs Phase II

2024-2027: 402,844.00 €, DFG/ CholNeph

2024-2029: 358,145.00 €, Deutsche Krebshilfe/ TACTIC

2023-2026: 379,573.00 €, DFG/ Ductmo

2023-2026: 983,250.00 €, DFG/ SKLM

2023-2026: 377,000.00 €, DFG/ APAP-Hepatotoxizität

2021-2028: 251,000.00 €, EU/ PARC

2021-2024: 276,626.00 €, DFG/ LPA bei Eierstockkrebs

2021-2024: 1,056,955.00 €, BMBF/ LiSyM-Krebs

2021-2024: 477,300.00 € DFG/ NAFLD-NASH-HCC

2021-2023: 256,385.36 €, BMBF/ SteatoTox-2

2021: 18,000.00 €, BfR

2020-2024: 154,000.00 €, BMBF/ InnoSysTox-Moving

2020-2023: 230,000.00 €, Deutsche Krebshilfe/ HER2+

2020-2022: 859,650.00 €, DFG/ SKLM

2018-2021: 350,910.00 €, BMBF/ SteatoTox

2018-2020: 76,750.00 €, DFG/ NK-DILI-ILC2

2018-2019: 3,000.00 €, IPB Halle/ Bioactive Compounds

2018-2019: 771,150.00 €, DFG/ SKLM

2017-2022: 1,182,296.00 €, Land NRW/ Drug Discovery Hub

2017-2021: 186,702.00 $, Thomas Jefferson University/ Multiscale Modeling

2017-2020: 263,702.00 €, DFG/ IL-15

2017-2022: 350,250.00 €, EU/ IMI Trans QST

2017-2020: 281,118.90 €, DLR/ StemCellNet

2017-2020: 246,765.00 €, BMBF/ SysDT Transfer

2017-2020: 345,602.00 €, BMBF/ LivSys Transfer

2017-2018: 14,824.00 €, DAAD/ Norwegen

2016-2021: 2,802,501.00 €, BMBF/ LiSym (Pillar II/III)

2016-2021: 2,212,235.00 €, BMBF/ LiSym (Vartak)

2016-2021: 1,276,732.00 €, BMBF/ LiSym (Ghallab)

2016-2021: 930,375.00 €, EU/ EUToxRisk21

2016-2019: 250,800.00 €, BMBF/ DILI

2016-2019: 134,710.00 €, BMBF/ InnoSysTox

2016-2019: 225,300.00 €, DFG/ WISP1-II

2016-2019: 324,400.00 €, DFG/ EDI3

2016-2019: 168,493.80 €, Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)/ GesundHolz

2016-2018: 400,000.00 €, DGUV/ IRRE IV

2016: 1,485.00 €, Universität Wageningen/ Occupational Toxicology 2016

2014-2017: 10,000.00 €, ANKÜR/ Boren II

2014-2017: 493,770.00 €, BMBF/ Verbundprojekt Lebersimulator

2014-2017: 366,329.00 €, BMBF/ LCI-MEA (Life Cell Imaging –Micro Electrode Array)

2014-2015: 134,209.00 €, BMBF/ Verbundprojekt SysDT

2014: 3,320.00 €, Universität Wageningen/ Occupational Toxicology 2014

2013-2017: 90,000.00 €, INRIA/ iFlow

2013-2015: 284,325.00 €, BMBF/ Verbundprojekt LivSys

2013-2014: 10,000.00 €, Gedek-Stiftung/ Citrinin

2012-2017: 452,952.00 €, BMBF/ DEEP

2012-2015: 275,750.00 €, EU/ Body-on-Chip

2012-2015: 1,725.00 €, DAAD/ South Asia Program,study and research subsidy

2012-2015: 45,000.00 €, DAAD /South Asia Program

2012-2013: 9,000.00 €, Eurotox

2012: 5,000.00 €, Universität Wageningen/ Occupational Toxicology 2012

2011-2016: 19,590.00 €, Lead Discovery Center /LDC

2011-2016: 881,904.60 €, DGUV/ IRRE 2

2011-2015: 618,317.00 €, EU/ DETECTIVE

2011-2015: 561,048.00 €, EU/ NOTOX

2011-2014: 395,499.00 €, BMBF/ Network Formation Assay

2011-2012: 8,300.00 €, DFG/ Internationale Kooperation Türkei

2011-2012: 10,000.00 €, Gedek-Stiftung

2010-2015: 1,745,645.00 €, BMBF/ Virtual Liver

2010-2012: 128,400.00 €, DFG/ WISP1

2009-2012: 241,848.00 €, BMBF/ Liver fibrosis

2009-2012: 370,863.00 €, EU/Land NRW/ Mykotoxine II

2009-2011: 600,000.00 €, BMBF/ Micro Fluidic

2009-2011: 500,000.00 €, BMBF/ LiverStemCell

2009-2011: 42,000.00 €, DAAD/ CONICYT (Chile Programm) Doktorandenstipendium € 14,000/Jahr

2009-2011: 33,585.00 €, DFG/ Kooperation Chile

2008-2023: 490,154.00 €, Springer-Verlag/ Archives of Toxicology

2008-2013: 790,234.00 €, EU/ Aufstockung ESNATS

2008-2013: 977,000.00 €, EU/ ESNATS

2008-2012: 406,400.00 €, BMBF/ Oncoprofile

2008-2012: 1,825.00 €, Ruhr-Universität Bochum/ Cytochrome

2008-2012: 8,000.00 €, BMBF/ “Sugar grant“ Regneration/HepatoSys

2008-2011: 854,850.00 €, EU/ CancerSys

2007-2023: 227,420.00 €, Springer-Verlag/ Toxikologische Forschung

2007-2011: 67,000.00 €, CEFIC, FKE/ Phytoöstrogene

2007-2011: 635,150.00 €, DGUV/ IRRE 1

2007-2011: 621,108.00 €, BMBF/ ToxGenom

2006-2013: 96,390.00 €, Heinrich-Heine-Univ. Düsseldorf/ DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1427 (Degen)

2006-2013: 99,506.00 €, Heinrich-Heine-Univ. Düsseldorf/ DFG- Graduiertenkolleg 1427 (Roos)