Stressed worker at the computer


In the Ergonomics Department, cognitive aspects of work, especially mental stress and cognitive demands of a modern, digitalised  world of work are studied.

Head of department
Prof. Dr. Edmund Wascher
Judith Geiger
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund

Head of Department

The design and evaluation of work situations and their adaptation to human needs are central tasks of ergonomics. The well-being of the person acting, but also their efficiency (accuracy and speed of actions) play equally important roles. As a result of changes in the world of work, cognitive aspects (information processing), mental stress and demographic change are increasingly coming to the forefront of ergonomic research. The spectrum of ergonomic research at IfADo ranges from psychological-neuroscientific research into human information processing to the design of ageing-friendly workplaces.

Research Groups

Experimental Ergonomics
The objective measurement of mental stress in the workplace and its effect on information processing require new methods, which the team is developing. The researchers thus form the bridge between the basis and application in ergonomics.
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Information Processing
In the Information Processing research unit, mechanisms and principles of human information processing are investigated. The range of basic research extends from focusing attention on specific content to the temporary storage of information and the preparation of appropriate actions.
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Designing Work
Work design plays a central role in understanding and evaluating new technologies and how they may affect work demands and work resources of working people.
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Networking Group Aging
The group Aging investigates the mechanisms of cognitive aging and their influencing factors in order to preserve and improve work ability and wellbeing even at an advanced age.
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