Pile of magazines


Here you can search through the IfADo publications.

Head of department
Susanne Lindemann
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund
Systematic literature review of heavy metal contamination of the Nigerian environment from e-waste management: Associated health and carcinogenic risk assessment. Toxicology 505: 153811 (2024) (15 pp)
Commentary of the SKLM to the EFSA opinion on risk assessment of N-nitrosamines in food. (Editorial). Arch Toxicol 98: 1573-1580 (2024)
EDI3 knockdown in ER-HER2+ breast cancer cells reduces tumor burden and improves survival in two mouse models of experimental metastasis. Breast Cancer Res 26(1): 87 (2024) (20 pp)
Analysis of learning the bimanual control of (tele)operating joint space controlled robotic arms with 4 degrees of freedom using the two-timescales power law of learning. Ergonomics 67: 759-771 (2024)
Stress from early life to adulthood: Is there a protective role of cognitive control? Brain Cogn 78: 106165 (2024) (9 pp)
Radikale Zystektomie bei querschnittgelähmten Patientinnen und Patienten. Chirurgische Praxis 84: 232-239 (2024)
Targeting the left DLPFC and right VLPFC in unmarried romantic relationship breakup (love trauma syndrome) with intensified electrical stimulation: A randomized, single-blind, parallel-group, sham-controlled study. J Psychiatr Res 175: 170-182 (2024)
Aliphatic carboxylic acids: unsaturated. In: Paustenbach D, Farland W, Greim H, Klaunig J, Levy L (eds): Patty’s toxicology, 7th ed. (pp 1-55). New York: Wiley, 2024 [Update based on the previous version of this chapter by Maria Szilagyi, Patty's Toxicology Sixth Edition, © 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.]
Integrated data from intravital imaging and HPLC-MS/MS analysis reveal large interspecies differences in AFB1 metabolism in mice and rats. Arch Toxicol 98: 1081-1093 (2024)
Third-generation CD19.CAR-T cell-containing combination therapy in Scl70+ systemic sclerosis. (Letter) Ann Rheum Dis 83: 543-546 (2024)
Both stimulus-specific and configurational features of multiple visual stimuli shape the spatial ventriloquism effect. Eur J Neurosci 59: 1770-1788 (2024)
Mild deficits in fear learning: evidence from humans and mice with cerebellar cortical degeneration. eNeuro 11 (2): ENEURO.0365-23.2023 (2024) (24 pp)
141-151 (2024)
Safety of noninvasive brain stimulation in children. Curr Opin Psychiatry 37 (2): 78-86 (2024)
Adult ADHD: it is old and new at the same time - what is it? Rev Neurosci 35: 225–241 (2024)

Library management

Dipl.-Bibl. Susanne Lindemann
Tel. +49 231 1084-251


EXCLI Journal

Since 2007, the library has been in charge of the Open Access journal "EXCLI Journal" (Experimental and Clinical Sciences; International Online Journal for Advances in Science; Editorial Board: Prof. Hengstler et al.) with technical editorial (http://www.excli.de).