Pile of magazines


Here you can search through the IfADo publications.

Head of department
Susanne Lindemann
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund
Opinion on the potential health risks posed by chemical consumer products resembling food and/or having child-appealing properties (46 S.). Brussels: European Union, 2010 (SCCS/1359/10)
Microbial food cultures. Engl. Version 15.11.2010 (22 S.). Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern, 2010
Aktualisierung der toxikologischen Beurteilung von Furocumarinen in Lebensmitteln. Endfassung vom 25.01.2010 (8 S.). Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern, 2010
Update of the toxicological assessment of furanocoumarins in foodstuffs. Engl. Version 27./28.09.2010 (7 S.). Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern, 2010
Mikrobielle Kulturen für Lebensmittel. Endfassung vom 29.03.2010 (23 S.). Kaiserslautern: TU Kaiserslautern, 2010
Error-related oscillations. Effects of aging on neural systems for behavioral monitoring. J Psychophysiol 23: 216-223 (2009)
Nowy wskaźnik oceny warunków klimatoterapii uzdrowiskowej UTCI. New index to evaluate climate for climatotherapy (UTCI). Balneol Polska 51: 313-321 (2009)
Comparing the growth kinetics of cell populations in two and three dimensions. Phys Rev E 79: 051907 (2009
Isolation of fibroblasts for coating of meshes for reconstructive surgery: differences between mesh types. Regen Med 4: 197-204 (2009)
Long term cultures of primary human hepatocytes as a alternative to drug testing in animals. ALTEX 26: 295-302 (2009)

Library management

Dipl.-Bibl. Susanne Lindemann
Tel. +49 231 1084-251


EXCLI Journal

Since 2007, the library has been in charge of the Open Access journal "EXCLI Journal" (Experimental and Clinical Sciences; International Online Journal for Advances in Science; Editorial Board: Prof. Hengstler et al.) with technical editorial (http://www.excli.de).