Pile of magazines


Here you can search through the IfADo publications.

Head of department
Susanne Lindemann
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund
Shared cortical systems for processing of horizontal and vertical sound motion. J Neurophysiol 103: 1896-1904 (2010)
Transcription factors ETF, E2F, and SP-1 are involved in cytokine-independent proliferation of murine hepatocytes. Hepatology 52: 2127-2136 (2010)
Phenotype and growth behavior of residual β-catenin-positive hepatocytes in livers of β-catenin-deficient mice. Histochem Cell Biol 134: 469-481 (2010)
Variations in the TNF-α gene (TNF-α -308G→A) affect attention and action selection mechanisms in a dissociated fashion. J Neurophysiol 104: 2523-2531 (2010)
The biopsychology-nonlinear analysis toolbox: a free, open-source Matlab-toolbox for the non-linear analysis of time series data. Neuroinformatics 8: 197-200 (2010)
Measurement of action forces and posture to determine the lumbar load of healthcare workers during care activities with patient transfers. Ann Occup Hyg 54: 923-933 (2010)
Zusammenhänge zwischen Fixationsdisparität und Sehbeschwerden beim Nahsehen. Optometrie 2010 (3): 1-6
Rs710521[A] on chromosome 3q28 close to TP63 is associated with increased urinary bladder cancer risk. Arch Toxicol 84: 967-978 (2010)
Wenig Gift — viel Kontakt. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 58: 1049-1051 (2010)
Implicit and explicit components of dual adaptation to visuomotor rotations. Conscious Cogn 19: 906-917 (2010)
Lifestyle factors and lumbar disc disease: results of a German multi-center case-control study (EPILIFT). Arthritis Res Ther 12: R193 (2010)
Independent component analysis of erroneous and correct responses suggests online response control. Hum Brain Mapp 31: 1305-1315 (2010)
Selbststeuerung beruflicher Aktivität – eine Möglichkeit biomechanischer Prävention? Zbl Arbeitsmed 60: 380-382 (2010)
Periodic letter strokes within a word affect fixation disparity during reading. J Vision 10(13): 2, 1-11 (2010)
The dark side of light: a transdisciplinary research agenda for light pollution policy. Ecol Soc 15(4): 13 (2010)

Library management

Dipl.-Bibl. Susanne Lindemann
Tel. +49 231 1084-251


EXCLI Journal

Since 2007, the library has been in charge of the Open Access journal "EXCLI Journal" (Experimental and Clinical Sciences; International Online Journal for Advances in Science; Editorial Board: Prof. Hengstler et al.) with technical editorial (http://www.excli.de).