TACTIC against cancer - German Cancer Aid funds research network

The foundation Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid) is funding the “TACTIC” research network for 5 years with 11.8 million euros. The aim of the network, in which IfADo is also involved, is the discovery and further development of new active substances through to preclinical studies.

DNA strand, artistic interpretation

TACTIC stands for “Targeting transcriptional addiction in cancer”. As part of the project, the researchers are focusing on the development of small molecules that regulate genetic switches in cancer cells. The aim is to find new approaches for cancer therapy by correcting disrupted cellular mechanisms. The project covers a broad spectrum from the discovery and development of new active substances to preclinical studies in which the effectiveness of the developed substances is tested in various model systems. At IfADo, research is being carried out in particular on the absorption, distribution, degradation and conversion in the body, but also on the tolerability of promising substances with anti-tumor effects.

In addition to Goethe University Frankfurt, which is coordinating the project, leading cancer research institutions from all over Germany are also involved. With the participation of TU Dortmund, the Drug Discovery Hub Dortmund (DDHD), the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology (MPI), IfADo and the two Dortmund companies LDC and Taros, the project benefits in particular from Dortmund's locational strength in the field of active ingredient research. The network will be funded by the German Cancer Aid Foundation for 5 years from April 1, 2024 as part of the funding priority “preclinical drug development”.

Scientific contact:
Dr. Cristina Cadenas
Scientific staff
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
Dr. Rosemarie Marchan
Scientific staff
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
Press contact:
Anne Gregory
Press officer
Ardeystrasse 67 Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 44139
