
In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.


Shining sign: IfADo at „Orange Your City

Several companies and institutions in Dortmund are lighting up in orange this evening, and IfADo is also taking part. The aim of the „orange your city“ campaign is to draw attention to violence against women. The initiator in Dortmund is the Zonta Club. With …


Federal Research Minister Karliczek visits Mental Health Research and Treatment Centre

Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research, visited the Research and Treatment Centre for Mental Health at Ruhr-Universität Bochum on 17 August 2021. Here, researchers from different scientific disciplines work together to improve the mental …
laurel wreath


„Best in Session Paper“ award for Peter Bröder

Peter Bröde, research associate in the Sientific Department Immunology, received the „Best in Session Paper“ award of the Health Protection and Occupational Safety Session at the Spring Congress of the Society for Occupational Science (Gesellschaft für …


IfADo expands systems biology approach with research MRI

Watching the brain at work and studying its functions – this is now possible at the Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors (IfADo) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The new three tesla MRI scanner will intensify interdisciplinary …
Prof. Dr. Michael Nitsche


Michael Nitsche is among the „Highly Cited Researchers” 2020

Prof. Dr. Michael Nitsche is one of the most frequently cited scientists in his research field worldwide. The IfADo director and neuroscientist can be found in the annual list of „Highly Cited Researchers“ of the US company Clarivate. Michael Nitsche is …
Digitisation of work


Thorsten Plewan-Blombach appointed professor

Thorsten Plewan-Blombach was appointed professor of psychology in the department of „Business & Media“ at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences at the end of July. Thorsten Plewan-Blombach has been working as a PostDoc in the IfADo research department …
Test subject and exercise instructors in the Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab


New research laboratory: Work research at IfADo strikes out in a new direction

The IfADo research is on the move: with a Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab (GRAIL). In it, the gait movement of the entire body can be analyzed in three dimensions in a virtual environment. The laboratory enables researchers to analyze phenomena of …


Gerhard Rinkenauer: Associate Professor

Gerhard Rinkenauer has recently been appointed „Associate Professor“ at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology at the TU Dortmund University. At IfADo, he has been researching the interface between man and technology since 2005. Besides, he has …
SARS-Coronavirus-2. Scale bar: 100 nm.


Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Information for guests

In order to contain the pandemic, we will conduct experimental studies with subjects at IfADo from the coming weeks onwards only under high safety precautions. To this end, we have developed a comprehensive safety and hygiene concept for the resumption of …