
In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.

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The FELICE project is coming to an end: human-robot collaboration for the assembly of the future

The EU-funded project FELICE (Flexible Assembly Manufacturing with Human-Robot Collaboration and Digital Twin Models) will come to an end on December 31, 2024. The aim of the project was to develop innovative assembly processes that meet the growing demand for …


Melinda Sabo at research exchange in Australia

Melinda Sabo took part in the MARCS Institute's International Visiting Scholar Program in Australia. During the one-month stay, her aim was to promote the Vital Study and to establish a collaboration between IfADo and the Australian research institute.
Symbol picture human operates robot arm


FELICE-Update: Risk Assessment

When developing a collaborative system with different interacting entities, it is important to assess where risks to health and safety may arise. As part of the FELICE project, IfADo researchers are tackling this task by assessing, categorizing and evaluating …
Melanie Karthaus and Felix Dreger at HFES-Conference


FELICE Update: IfADo researchers present results at HFES Conference

At the annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) conference in Lübeck, IfADo researchers Melanie Karthaus and Felix Dreger presented the results of their work on the FELICE project.
Symbol picture sound waves reach an ear


Hearing in virtual spaces - How real does virtual reality sound?

With the increasingly frequent use of virtual reality (VR) in scientific experiments, it has become even more important to better understand the specifics of hearing in virtual environments. Researchers at IfADo and Ruhr-Universität Bochum have now taken on …
Melinda Sabo


Successfully defended: New PhD at IfADo

Melinda Sabo successfully defended her dissertation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum on January 25. The cognitive scientist has been working as a research assistant at IfADo in the Department of Ergonomics since 2020.
Symbol picture human operates robot arm


SOPRANO Project Launch

In late 2023, the SOPRANO project was launched, a research project focusing on innovations in the field of human-robot collaboration. Along with other European companies and research institutions, IfADo is also involved. The project is part of the EU's Horizon …