In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.
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FELICE Update: Evaluation at workstations
IfADo successfully supported the evaluation of the FELICE system at two different workstations. Experienced workers as well as unexperienced workers used the FELICE robot while mounting parts of the car door. The goal of the evaluation was to track the …

Waves in the head - IfADo at science slam in Braunschweig
IfADo researcher Dr. Laura-Isabelle Klatt performed at a science slam organized by the Braunschweig House of Science at Eventspace 381 on 22 May. She and four other slammers presented their research topics in a relaxed and humorous way.

Dialogue between science and politics: Leibniz im Landtag 2023
On November 30, the "Leibniz im Landtag" event took place once again, at which researchers from the Leibniz Research Centers in North Rhine-Westphalia engage in dialogue with politicians from the state parliament. Tim Brecklinghaus and Stephan Getzmann from …

German Center for Mental Health launches
The German Center for Mental Health starts in May and IfADo is part of it. The new, nationwide center has a foothold in the middle of the Ruhr area. The goal is to improve mental health in the long term. IfADo scientists from the fields of neuroscience, …
Matthias Jäger receives NIOSH Bullard-Sherwood Research-to-Practice Award
Many people know that heavy objects such as crates of drinks should be lifted close to the body „from the legs“ and if possible not „from the back“. Especially in occupations that involve a lot of repetitive lifting and carrying, correct posture is …
AHFE 2022 Best Paper Award for Georgios Athanassiou
At the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and its Affiliated Conferences in New York, USA, Georgios Athanassiou from the Ergonomics Department won the Best Paper Award for the paper on „A micro-moment recommendation framework …
Hugo Geiger Award for Dr. Jessica Schwarz
Every year, the Free State of Bavaria and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft award the Hugo Geiger Prize to honour young scientists for outstanding doctoral achievements in the field of applied research. This year, the third place goes to Jessica Schwarz for her …
Daniel Schneider gives inaugural lecture at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Since mid-January, Daniel Schneider, head of the Information Processing Group, has been authorised to teach neuropsychology at the RUB. In his habilitation thesis with the topic „Attentional control functions in perception and memory: EEG correlates of target …
IfADo part of the new Leibniz Research Alliance Resilient Ageing
How can people remain healthy into old age and continue to take part in the life of society? In view of demographic trends, this is a highly relevant challenge in terms of health science and socioeconomics. Until now, ageing research in Germany has …