
In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.


Half-time in the A.D.Le.R project

Making an emergency call quickly and successfully is the first step in the rescue chain and thus essential for saving lives and protecting property. Automatic recognition and reporting of emergencies could significantly increase the level of safety. This is …


Daniel Schneider gives inaugural lecture at Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Since mid-January, Daniel Schneider, head of the Information Processing Group, has been authorised to teach neuropsychology at the RUB. In his habilitation thesis with the topic „Attentional control functions in perception and memory: EEG correlates of target …


New research project on work interruptions started

The phone rings, a colleague knocks on the door and every new email announces itself with a signal tone – while you are working on a text that urgently needs to go out today. Along with time and performance pressure, interruptions are one of the greatest …


IfADo part of the new Leibniz Research Alliance Resilient Ageing

How can people remain healthy into old age and continue to take part in the life of society? In view of demographic trends, this is a highly relevant challenge in terms of health science and socioeconomics. Until now, ageing research in Germany has …
stop sign in a landscape


New EEG evaluations show how attentional focusing works after interruptions in working memory

Interruptions at work often lead to a deterioration in performance in the original task. This performance deficit usually manifests itself in a delay in resuming the actual task. With the help of EEG measurements, researchers at the Leibniz Research Centre for …


New research project analyses the effect of cardiac activity on conflict processing under stress

Under stress, people often react instinctively and without thinking twice – actions are almost automatic. Researchers at the Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors in Dortmund (IfADo) want to study in more detail what influence heart …


IfADo is part of the German Center for Mental Health

The BMBF has announced the establishment of a German Centre for Mental Health in Bochum. The IfADo will contribute its competences in the field of labour research. Mental illnesses mean a considerable loss of quality of life for those affected and represent an …
Digitisation of work


Thorsten Plewan-Blombach appointed professor

Thorsten Plewan-Blombach was appointed professor of psychology in the department of „Business & Media“ at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences at the end of July. Thorsten Plewan-Blombach has been working as a PostDoc in the IfADo research department …
Test subject and exercise instructors in the Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab


New research laboratory: Work research at IfADo strikes out in a new direction

The IfADo research is on the move: with a Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab (GRAIL). In it, the gait movement of the entire body can be analyzed in three dimensions in a virtual environment. The laboratory enables researchers to analyze phenomena of …