In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.
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Work interruptions have a greater impact on older people
In everyday working life, people are often interrupted in their tasks. After the phone has rung, for example, it is difficult to concentrate on the original task again. The selection of working memory content is impaired after an interruption. Observations …
Call for Papers: Sabrina Sobieraj publishes Special Issue „Interventions to Reduce Stereotypes in STEM“
Women make up almost 50% of the workforce in the labor market. However, it is noteworthy that the labor force of women is not evenly distributed across all occupational groups. Certain professions and positions are still strongly gendered, especially STEM …
AHFE 2022 Best Paper Award for Georgios Athanassiou
At the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and its Affiliated Conferences in New York, USA, Georgios Athanassiou from the Ergonomics Department won the Best Paper Award for the paper on „A micro-moment recommendation framework …
Movement can help with the processing of visual information
Modern living and working environments are increasingly characterised by the simultaneous execution of locomotion and sensory – mostly visual – processing. Also, many job profiles require the simultaneous processing of visual information while walking.
How does the human brain adapt to the ever-increasing complexity of technical devices?
How does the human brain adapt to the ever-increasing complexity of technical devices (example: corded telephone in the past and smartphone today)? At what stage of development (infant – child – adolescent – adult) does this happen?
Hugo Geiger Award for Dr. Jessica Schwarz
Every year, the Free State of Bavaria and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft award the Hugo Geiger Prize to honour young scientists for outstanding doctoral achievements in the field of applied research. This year, the third place goes to Jessica Schwarz for her …
Half-time in the A.D.Le.R project
Making an emergency call quickly and successfully is the first step in the rescue chain and thus essential for saving lives and protecting property. Automatic recognition and reporting of emergencies could significantly increase the level of safety. This is …
Daniel Schneider gives inaugural lecture at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Since mid-January, Daniel Schneider, head of the Information Processing Group, has been authorised to teach neuropsychology at the RUB. In his habilitation thesis with the topic „Attentional control functions in perception and memory: EEG correlates of target …
New research project on work interruptions started
The phone rings, a colleague knocks on the door and every new email announces itself with a signal tone – while you are working on a text that urgently needs to go out today. Along with time and performance pressure, interruptions are one of the greatest …