
In this section are listed news about important publications, research projects and events.



FELICE Update: Designing usable interfaces

When humans and robots are supposed to collaborate, successful communication is an important factor. A key component to such communication is the design of user interfaces. As part of the FELICE project, researchers at IfADo are taking steps to build …
Picture collage of the participants from left to right Stephan Getzmann with Charlotte Quik, Tim Brecklinghausen with Julia Eisentraut


Dialogue between science and politics: Leibniz im Landtag 2023

On November 30, the "Leibniz im Landtag" event took place once again, at which researchers from the Leibniz Research Centers in North Rhine-Westphalia engage in dialogue with politicians from the state parliament. Tim Brecklinghaus and Stephan Getzmann from …
Team meeting with five members in a glass room.


FELICE H2020 Project: Research Update by IfADo

The IfADo researchers completed a focus group survey to find out what concerns are among workers when collaborating with a mobile robot colleague.
Matthias Jäger


Matthias Jäger publishes “The Dortmund Lumbar Load Atlas”

Lower back complaints are among the most common illnesses in the working world. Not only heavy loads or forced postures play an important role, but also the duration and frequency of load phases. “The Dortmund Lumbar Load Atlas”, by Matthias Jäger, is a …
Test person with smartglasses


What influence do smartglasses have on interaction work in the healthcare sector?

Smartglasses have been used in the logistics sector for some time. Increasingly, their use in the healthcare sector is also being discussed. Unlike in logistics, however, healthcare professions depend on trusting interaction with patients.
Robot arm in the lab


FELICE: IfADo’s task

Introduction human-robot collaboration does not necessarily result in improving work. From the point of ergonomics, automation technology should also result an increase in human well-being. This is one major focus in the FELICE project.
Stressed worker at the computer


German Center for Mental Health launches

The German Center for Mental Health starts in May and IfADo is part of it. The new, nationwide center has a foothold in the middle of the Ruhr area. The goal is to improve mental health in the long term. IfADo scientists from the fields of neuroscience, …


Work ability is influenced by physical fitness, social life and cognitive functions

Due to demographic change, it is becoming increasingly important to maintain the working capacity of ageing workforces. In a recent study, researchers from the Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environments and Human Factors in Dortmund (IfADo) therefore …


Half-time in the FELICE project: Shaping the future of global manufacturing

In the EU research project „Flexible Assembly Manufacturing with Human-Robot Collaboration and Digital Twin Models“ (FELICE), IfADo and numerous European partners are researching, among other things, collaboration between humans and robots in the context of …