Melinda Sabo at research exchange in Australia
Melinda Sabo, postdoc in the ergonomics department at the Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment in Dortmund took part in the MARCS Institute's International Visiting Scholar Program in Australia. During the one-month stay, her aim was to promote the Vital Study and to establish a collaboration between IfADo and the Australian research institute. In addition, she conducted analyses on the EEG data recorded during the cognitive tasks and applied machine learning algorithms to this data under the guidance of Dr. Tijl Grootswagers.
The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University is an international research institute that pursues the vision to optimise human interaction and wellbeing across the lifespan by focusing on topics such as sensing, perceiving, and interacting with each other. The International Visiting Scholar Program gives international PhD students and post PhD researchers the opportunity to develop and conduct collaborative projects with researchers at the Institute for one to three months.