Equality & Diversity
As a Leibniz institution, IfADo is committed to implementing the DFG's Research-Oriented Equality Standards in order to actively promote equal opportunities. The aim of IfADo's equal opportunities activities is to guarantee equal opportunities and possibilities for women and men, depending on their respective qualifications, in realising their individual career aspirations. This applies to all organisational levels. An explanatory flyer on equal opportunities at the Institute is available for download.
Equality Standards
IfADo is committed to following the equality standards of the Leibniz Association.
Diversity is a matter of course at IfADo. Our work teams are gender-mixed, cross-generational and international. This is why IfADo signed the Diversity Charter in March 2019.
Equal Opportunities
Since 2010, IfADo has regularly been awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY rating. The award honours institutions that are committed to equal opportunities for women and men in their personnel and organisational policies. In 2020, IfADo was certified in the diversity category for the first time. In 2023, the IfADo was also awarded the Sustainability Prize for its constant commitment.
German Diversity Day
On German Diversity Day, the members of the Diversity Network and organisations in which diversity is lived show their support for diversity with creative actions. Since 2022, IfADo has celebrated German Diversity Day with an international get-together.
As a member of the Dortmund Science Association windo e.V., IfADo has couples with dual careers in mind. IfADo is also a member of "Erfolgsfaktor Familie", the central platform on the topic of reconciling family and career of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
Equal Opportunities Officer:
Dr. Birgit Arnold-Schulz-Gahmen (for the scientific field)
Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer:
Katharina Grande (for the science-supporting area)