

Hier steht Ihnen die Suche in den IfADo-Publikationen zur Verfügung.

Susanne Lindemann
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund
Have you done any interactive work today? An empirical study on the relationship between customer interaction and psychological stress in German software developers. IEEE Software 41: 119-125 (2024)
Neural hyperresponsivity during the anticipation of tangible social and nonsocial rewards in autism spectrum disorder: a concurrent neuroimaging and facial electromyography study. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 9: 948-957 (2024)
Temporal gamma tACS and auditory stimulation affect verbal memory in healthy adults. Psychophysiology 61 (11): e14653 (2024) (15 pp)
Can electroencephalography (EEG) identify the different dimensions of pain in fibromyalgia? A pilot study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 25 (1): 705 (2024) (11 pp)
The neural basis of attentional selection in goal-directed memory retrieval. Sci Rep 14 (1): 20937 (2024) (15 pp)
Resting-state EEG data before and after cognitive activity across the adult lifespan and a 5-year follow-up. Sci Data 11 (1): 988 (2024) (5 pp)
Metaanalysis of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) efficacy for OCD treatment: the impact of stimulation parameters, symptom subtype and rTMS-induced electrical field. J Clin Med 13 (18): 5358 (2024)
COVID-19 related cognitive, structural and functional brain changes among Italian adolescents and young adults: a multimodal longitudinal case-control study. Transl Psychiatry 14 (1): 402 (2024) (10 pp)
A meta-analysis of the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with cognitive training on working memory in healthy older adults. Front Aging Neurosci 16: 1454755 (2024) (11 pp)
Induction and stabilization of delta frequency brain oscillations by phase-synchronized rTMS and tACS. Brain Stimul 17: 1086-1097 (2024)
Single session and repeated anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex increases reflective thinking but not working memory updating performance. Heliyon 10 (16): e36078 (2024) (15 pp)
Repeated prefrontal tDCS for improving mental health and cognitive deficits in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study. J Transl Med 22 (1): 843 (2024) (15 pp)
The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic and transcranial direct current stimulation on memory functions in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Hum Neurosci 18: 1436448 (2024) (15 pp)
Glutathione and xanthine metabolic changes in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer cell lines are mediated by down-regulation of GSS and XDH and correlated to poor prognosis. J Cancer 15: 4047-4058 (2024)
Loss of Toll-like receptor 9 protects from hepatocellular carcinoma in murine models of chronic liver disease. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 1870 (7): 167321 (2024) (10 pp)

Leitung Bibliothek

Dipl.-Bibl. Susanne Lindemann
Tel. +49 231 1084-251


EXCLI Journal

Seit 2007 wird die Open-Access-Zeitschrift „EXCLI Journal“ (Experimental and Clinical Sciences; International Online Journal for Advances in Science; Editorial Board: Prof. Hengstler u. a.) mit technischem Editorial (http://www.excli.de) von der Bibliothek betreut.