Follow-up of the re-evaluation of quillaia extract (E 999) as a food additive and safety of the proposed extension of uses. EFSA Journal 22 (2): e8563 (2024) (31 pp)
Simultaneous stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with CpG ODN2006 and α-IgM antibodies leads to strong immune responses in monocytes independent of B cell activation. Cells 13 (22): 1822 (2024) (14 pp)
Arbeitsfähigkeit über die Lebensspanne: Rolle von biologischen, soziodemografischen, psychosozialen und Lebensstilfaktoren. In: 64. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der DGAUM, 13. bis 16. März 2024 in München + online (Beitrag 17, S. 82-84). Hrsg. von Jessica Lang, Simone Schmitz-Spanke. Stuttgart: Gentner, 2024
Validation of NBD-coupled taurocholic acid for intravital analysis of bile acid transport in liver and kidney of mice. EXCLI J 23: 1330-1352 (2024)
Long-term follow-up MR imaging in children with transverse myelitis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 92: 105926 (2024) (8 pp)
Auditory distraction, time perception, and the role of age: ERP evidence from a large cohort study. Neurobiol Aging 144: 114-126 (2024)
Heavy metal contamination of the Nigerian environment from e-waste management: A systematic review of exposure pathway and attendant pathophysiological implications. Toxicology 509: 153966 (2024) (13 pp)
Fruits and vegetables intake and bladder cancer risk: a pooled analysis from 11 case–control studies in the BLadder cancer Epidemiology and Nutritional Determinants (BLEND) consortium. Eur J Nutr 63: 2477–2498 (2024)
Golka, K.): Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie. S3-Leitlinie Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge des Nierenzellkarzinoms, Kurzversion 5.0 – September 2024 AWMF-Registernummer: 043-017OL (107 S.) Berlin: Office des Leitlinienprogrammes Onkologie, 2024
Golka, K.): Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie. S3-Leitlinie Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge des Nierenzellkarzinoms, Langversion 5.0 – September 2024 AWMF-Registernummer: 043-017OL (312 S.) Berlin: Office des Leitlinienprogrammes Onkologie, 2024
Modulating genetic effects on bladder cancer risk in an area of coal, iron, and steel industries. In: Weihs C, Krämer W, Buschfeld S (eds.): Statistics today. Everyday applications, research questions, insights, and challenges (pp 45-53). Berlin: Springer, 2024
Frontal midline theta power during the cue-target-interval reflects increased cognitive effort in rewarded task-switching. Cortex 180: 94-110 (2024)
Transcranial direct-current stimulation over the primary motor cortex and cerebellum improves balance and shooting accuracy in elite ice hockey players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 19: 1107-1114 (2024)
Leitung Bibliothek
Dipl.-Bibl. Susanne Lindemann
Tel. +49 231 1084-251
EXCLI Journal
Seit 2007 wird die Open-Access-Zeitschrift „EXCLI Journal“ (Experimental and Clinical Sciences; International Online Journal for Advances in Science; Editorial Board: Prof. Hengstler u. a.) mit technischem Editorial ( von der Bibliothek betreut.