Publikationen Psychologie & Neurowissenschaften
Can individually targeted and optimized multi-channel tDCS outperform standard bipolar tDCS in stimulating the primary somatosensory cortex? Brain Stimul 16 (1): 1-16 (2023)
Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on ultra-rapid opioid detoxification outcome. Basic Clin Neurosci 13: 799-806 (2022)
Electrophysiological correlates of stuttering severity: An ERP study. J Clin Neurosci 101: 80-88 (2022)
An update on the use of gamma (multi)sensory stimulation for Alzheimer's disease treatment. Front Aging Neurosci 14: 1095081 (2022) (8 pp)
Trait anxiety is related to Nx4's efficacy on stress-induced changes in amygdala-centered resting state functional connectivity: a placebo-controlled cross-over trial in mildly to moderately stressed healthy volunteers. BMC Neurosci 23 (1): 68 (2022) (12 pp); corr.. in: BMC Neurosci 24 (1): 11 (2023)
NMDA receptor-related mechanisms of dopaminergic modulation of tDCS-induced neuroplasticity. Cereb Cortex 32: 5478-5488 (2022)
When defeat leaves a bad taste in the mouth: Modulation of tongue corticobulbar output during monetary loss in a gambling task. Brain Stimul 15: 1448-1450 (2022)
Effects of tDCS applied over the left IFG and pSTG language areas on verb recognition task performance. Psychophysiology 59: e14134 (2022) (16 pp)
Nx4 modulated resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala and prefrontal cortex in a placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Brain Connect 12: 812-822 (2022)
From Psychologische Forschung to psychological research: a rough journey through a century. Psychol Res 86: 2309–2320 (2022)
Addressing transcranial electrical stimulation variability through prospective individualized dosing of electric field strength in 300 participants across two samples: the 2-SPED approach. J Neural Eng 19 (5): 056045 (2022) (12 pp)
Attention bias modification through transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): A review. Neurophysiol Clin 52: 341-353 (2022) [9276_IfADo.pdf]
Personality neuroscience: an emerging field with bright prospects. Personal Sci 3: e7269 (2022) (21 pp)
Digitalized transcranial electrical stimulation: A consensus statement. Clin Neurophysiol 143: 154-165 (2022)