Prof. Dr. Edmund Wascher
Judith Geiger
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund

Publikationen Ergonomie

Thrsp gene and the ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation. ACS Chem Neurosci 14: 573-589 (2023)
Stress exposure, hand preference, and hand skill: A deep phenotyping approach. Laterality 28: 209–237 (2023)
Does physical fitness affect cognitive functions differently across adulthood? An advantage of being older. Front Psychol 14: 1134770 (2023) (14 pp)
Can smart glasses change how people evaluate healthcare professionals? A mixed-method approach to using smart glasses in hospitals. Int J Human-Computer Studies 178: 103081 (2023) (13 pp)
A systematic analysis of biological, sociodemographic, psychosocial, and lifestyle factors contributing to work ability across the working life span: cross-sectional study. JMIR Form Res 7: e40818 (2023) (25 pp)
Trigeminal stimulation is required for neural representations of bimodal odor localization: A time-resolved multivariate EEG and fNIRS study. Neuroimage 269: 119903 (11 pp) (2023)
4-F-PCP, a novel PCP analog ameliorates the depressive-like behavior of chronic social defeat stress mice via NMDA receptor antagonism. Biomol Ther (Seoul) 31: 227-239 (2023)
Deletion of Cryab increases the vulnerability of mice to the addiction-like effects of the cannabinoid JWH-018 via upregulation of striatal NF-κB expression. Front Pharmacol 14: 1135929 (2023) (19 pp)
Operator state in a workplace simulation modulates eye-blink related EEG activity. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 31: 1167-1179 (2023)
Cross-modal interactions at the audiovisual cocktail-party revealed by behavior, ERPs, and neural oscillations. NeuroImage 271: 120022 (2023) (17 pp)
Anxiety disrupts performance monitoring: integrating behavioral, event-related potential, EEG microstate, and sLORETA evidence. Cereb Cortex 33: 3787–3802 (2023)
The impact of physical fitness, social life, and cognitive functions on work ability in middle-aged and older adults. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 96: 507–520 (2023)
The Dortmund Lumbar Load Atlas – A contribution to objectifying lumbar load and load-bearing capacity for an ergonomic work design of manual materials handling. Berlin: Springer, 2023
Effect of simulated vibration and noise exposure on human contrast sensitivity function. In: Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (Hrsg.): Nachhaltig Arbeiten und Lernen – Analyse und Gestaltung lernförderlicher und nachhaltiger Arbeitssysteme und Arbeits- und Lernprozesse. 69. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft. Hannover, 01.-03.03. 2023 (Beitrag B.6.12 (6 S)). Sankt Augustin: GfA-Press, 2023
Die Entwicklung verkehrssicherheitsrelevanter Personenmerkmale im höheren Lebensalter und ihre Einflussfaktoren. Erste Querschnittsanalysen aus der Dortmunder-Bonner-Längsschnittstudie (DoBoLSiS). Bergisch Gladbach: Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, 2023 (Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen: Mensch und Sicherheit, Heft M 336)