Prof. Dr. Edmund Wascher
Judith Geiger
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund

Publikationen Ergonomie

The burdens and benefits of managing and engaging: a diary study approach to person-centred risk assessment of top executives and works council members. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 2024 Aug 6:1-9. Epub ahead of print.
Auditory distraction, time perception, and the role of age: ERP evidence from a large cohort study. Neurobiol Aging. 2024 Sep 20;144:114-126. Epub ahead of print.
The effect of performance contingent reward prospects flexibly adapts to more versus less specific task goals. Psychophysiology. 2024 Aug 29:e14678. Epub ahead of print.
Frontal midline theta power during the cue-target-interval reflects increased cognitive effort in rewarded task-switching. Cortex 180: 94-110 (2024)
Have you done any interactive work today? An empirical study on the relationship between customer interaction and psychological stress in German software developers. IEEE Software 41: 119-125 (2024)
The neural basis of attentional selection in goal-directed memory retrieval. Sci Rep 14 (1): 20937 (2024) (15 pp)
Resting-state EEG data before and after cognitive activity across the adult lifespan and a 5-year follow-up. Sci Data 11 (1): 988 (2024) (5 pp)
Phenotyping in clinical laterality research: a comparison of commonly used methods to determine mixed-handedness and ambidexterity. Laterality 29:331–349 (2024)
Triggered by your heart: Effects of cardioafferent traffic and stress on automatic responses in a Simon task. Psychophysiology 61 (8): e14572 (2024) (21 pp)
Requirements for successful human robot collaboration: design perspectives of developers and users in the scope of the EU Horizon project FELICE. In: Medina-Borja A, Gielo-Perczak K (eds): Human factors in robots, drones and unmanned systems. Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Nice, France, 24-27 July 2024 (pp 57-65). AHFE (2024) International Conference (AHFE Open Access, Vol. 138)
MICROSTATELAB: The EEGLAB toolbox for resting-state microstate analysis. Brain Topogr 37: 621–645 (2024)
EEG microstates in social and affective neuroscience. Brain Topogr 37: 479–495 (2024)
Trait aggression is reflected by a lower temporal stability of EEG resting networks. Brain Topogr 37: 514–523 (2024)
Der Ursache auf der Spur. Fallstricke und Lösungsansätze partizipativer Arbeitsgestaltung in der Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastung. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119: 474-478 (2024)
Risikokennzahlen zur Beurteilung psychischer Belastung – ein organisationaler Ansatz mittels Krankenstandsdaten. In: GfA (Hrsg.): Arbeitswissenschaft in-the-loop. Mensch-Technologie-Integration und ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch, Arbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung. 70. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., 06.-08. März 2024, Stuttgart (Beitrag G.1.1, 5 S.). Sankt Augustin: GfA-Press, 2024