Prof. Dr. Edmund Wascher
Judith Geiger
Ardeystr. 67
44139 Dortmund

Publikationen Ergonomie

Be prepared for interruptions: EEG correlates of anticipation when dealing with task interruptions and the role of aging. Sci Rep 14 (1): 5679 (2024) (16 pp)
Comparing auditory distance perception in real and virtual environments and the role of the loudness cue: A study based on event-related potentials. Hear Res 444: 108968 (2024) (15 pp)
Chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection modulates hearing ability across the adult life span. Life 14 (2): 194 (2024) (10 pp)
Evaluation of different feedback designs for target guidance in human controlled robotic cranes: A comparison between high and low performance groups. Appl Ergon 116: 104204 (2024)
From driver to supervisor: comparing cognitive load and eeg-based attentional resource allocation across automation levels. Int J Human-Computer Stud 182: 103169 (2024) (14 pp)
Analysis of learning the bimanual control of (tele)operating joint space controlled robotic arms with 4 degrees of freedom using the two-timescales power law of learning. Ergonomics. 2023 Oct 14:1-13. Epub ahead of print
MICROSTATELAB: The EEGLAB toolbox for resting-state microstate analysis. Brain Topogr. 2023 Sep 11. Epub ahead of print
Serotonin 2C receptors are also important in head-twitch responses in male mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2023 Oct 26. Epub ahead of print
Adult ADHD: it is old and new at the same time - what is it? Rev Neurosci. 2023 Oct 11. Epub ahead of print.
Age influences audiovisual speech processing in multi-talker scenarios – evidence from cortical oscillations. bioRxiv 2022.02.23.481314; (In press in European Journal of Neuroscience)
EEG microstates in social and affective neuroscience. Brain Topogr. 2023 Jul 31. Epub ahead of print.
EEG-meta-microstates: towards a more objective use of resting-state EEG microstate findings across studies. Brain Topogr. 2023 Jul 29. Epub ahead of print.
Normative Intercorrelations Between EEG Microstate Characteristics. Brain Topogr. 2023 Jul 14. Epub ahead of print.
On the Reliability of the EEG Microstate Approach. Brain Topogr. 2023 Jul 6. Epub ahead of print.
Factors influencing the total functional capacity score as a critical endpoint in Huntington's disease research. Biomedicines 11 (12): 3336 (2023) (14 pp)